
The intention of our activity is to bring attractive themes for education into the sectors in which we operate. The entities on the market are required to show high effort and flexible responses due to current globalization associated with rapid changes. We know that it is the education that has a fundamental influence on the competitiveness of business and regions and therefore, we see involvement in the education as our obligation.

As we brought interesting topics for our clients, we equally successfully worked up the topics focused on designs of agricultural business and their strategies. We make sure that everything is supported by not only years of experience but researches and studies as well. Transferability to real daily practice is a must.

We focus on education of entrepreneurs in the agriculture and forestry. Our education activities focus on contributing to achieving of the competitive agriculture, food industry, and forestry. We organize workshops, and we are not let alone in this, because we cooperate with many important either state or private partners:

  • State Agricultural Intervention Fund (SZIF) – a state institution within the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture that intermediates financial support from the EU and national sources.
  • MONETA Money Bank – MONETA Money bank has been operating on the Czech market since 1997, and it has always been an outstanding partner of AgroConsult Bohemia. Moneta Money Bank is among the leaders for funding of Czech agriculture.
  • Podpůrný a garanční rolnický a lesnický fond – PGRLF a.s. – a joint stock company of the Czech Republic, one of the fundamental pillars of subsidy policy operated by the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture (Ústřední kontrolní a zkušební ústav zemědělský, ÚKZÚZ) – an administrative office of the Czech Republic within the authority of the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (Ústav zemědělské ekonomiky a informací, ÚZEI) – an organization partially funded by the state budget, an expert institution for economy, food industry, and agriculture.
How can we help you?

Contact us for whatever question you may have.